ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
750 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalPort wiki section editsFelix Schäfer
749 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalGit Integration: Property Main BranchFelix SchäferSCM
748 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalChiliProject::VERSION.revision doesn't capture error outputFelix SchäferRefactoring
747 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalInclude capybara for integration testsEric DavisTesting
746 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalProblems with rdm-mailhandler.rbHolger JustMail Receiving
745 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAdding ellipsis class to application.cssUser interface
744 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalNeed a way to re-sync repository historySCM
743 ChiliProjectTaskClosedHighMerge master into unstableFelix Schäfer
742 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAccessibility: Subissue relation for blind usersRomano LickerUser interface
741 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalAccessibility: Tooltip in calendarUser interface
740 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalRevision page, new files are not displayed (Git Repo)Felix SchäferSCM
739 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalRelative textile links not converted to full URLs in emailsMail Sending
738 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalOption to automatically watch things I've interacted with
737 ChiliProjectBugNeeds more informationNormalException raised when changes YAML is invalidJournals / History
736 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalAdding users with a dash "-" in email address is broken sometimesFelix SchäferMail Sending
735 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalany user can edit time entries via context menuHolger Just
734 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalLiquid integration breaks on 1.9.2Holger Just
733 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalAdd css class for issues that are due todayEric DavisUser interface
732 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalRestructure My account section using a navigation menuUser accounts
731 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalMore dynamic MenusPlugin API
730 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalDocumentaion: Liquid MarkupHolger JustDocumentation
729 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalUTF8 unsupported in PNG export of Gantt charts (?)Gantt chart
728 ChiliProjectBugClosedHighAn error occured while installing pg (0.9.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
727 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAutolinker for project files in issues / wiki textText formatting
726 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalMailaddresses to Umlautdomains will be not render correct in ChiliText formatting

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