ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.

kwadronaut .

  • IRC handle: kwadronaut
  • Registered on: 2012-06-20
  • Last connection: 2013-05-22


Reported issues: 3


12:41 am ChiliProject Bug #1082 (Open): Parent task translation missing: en, activerecord, errors, models, issue, attri...
Same here. Attached the productionlog error. Running ChiliProject (MySQL)
Processing IssuesContr...


10:28 am ChiliProject Bug #1248 (Closed): Routing issue


11:14 am ChiliProject Bug #1237 (Open): Have public projects displayed in the pull-down Projects menu
Situation: a (full or partly) public tracker doesn't manage the occasional contributors nor the anonymous visitors. T...


10:43 pm ChiliProject Bug #1237 (Open): Have public projects displayed in the pull-down Projects menu


12:16 pm ChiliProject Develop: RE: [Proposal] - How should users be deleted?
IANAL: but obviously above stated requirements about German privacy laws are simplifications. If it's a vital part of...


01:58 pm ChiliProject Feature #155 (Open): My page saved filters block
Aleksey Zapparov wrote:
> while this one is about one extra block on that page.
I don't think 1 extra block is en...


09:48 pm ChiliProject Feature #331 (Ready for review): Set %done with issue state while allowing to change %done manually
I think Stephans patch is fine, however maybe it should belong in a different bug. To clarify
what's being asked:


04:00 pm ChiliProject Bug #1146 (Closed): Custom integer field where 05 is not always 5
We weren't able to reproduce, so tidying up.


07:50 pm ChiliProject Bug #1146 (Closed): Custom integer field where 05 is not always 5
I'm assigning to myself for now, because we're internally trying to reproduce. It might have been only appearing with...


09:15 am ChiliProject Bug #1146 (Closed): Custom integer field where 05 is not always 5

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