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Unable to change the language for not logger users (Bug #777)

Added by Fábio Leitão at 2011-12-18 10:27 pm.

Status:Open Start date:2011-12-18
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:User interface
Target version:-
Remote issue URL: Affected version:


There is a forum discussion on Redmine project regarding this issue, it has stalled about a year ago, not sure if YOU would consider this a bug, cause it is probably by design (followed by ChilliProject on the fork, up to my knowledge)...

There is also a couple patchs, from some 3 years ago (way before the forum discussion), that would Option to disable automated language-guessing based on HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE HTTP-header and still, has not gone into the trunk... while I was studing it, I am pretty sure it has become incompatible with the current code

The patches would allow the administrator to keep the default "ability to guess" the language from the browser header, or enforce a "global" default regardless of the header, that could still be overcome by the user setting on login.

The problem with this current method of guessing is that its completely dependent upon the OS setting and the browser that the user has used to access the page... On Windows, with IE9,the browser respects my local language and sends a header asking for pt-BR, Redmine/ChilliProject obeys (everything is good so far)... but if I use Opera, Chrome, Safari or Firefox, they evade the OS setting, therefore Redmine/ChilliProject "guesses" en-US ... I still gotta check the Linux, MacOSX, iOS and Android, but its pretty clear that this is the expected behaviour...

The thing is, if I am using it on my server where I will not have any users who speak English, and it has to work anonimously (not logged in), and for a while it has been more disrupting than helpfull.

And, if the user does set another language, it should be up to him/her...

The only workaround I was able to implement is to REPLACE the config/locales/en.yml with the config/locales/pt-BR.yml (and adjust the first line to instruct "it is en") and restart the server... but that is awful ! (cause if the user actually chooses to use English, it will be stuck in pt-BR)

I am currently installing a fresh ChilliProject on my test server, and I will try to migrate my production Redmine there, so I will be able to test any patches that might come from this ticket

Thanks in advance.


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