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Namespaces in Wiki (Feature #756)

Added by Stefán Freyr Stefánsson at 2011-12-06 11:17 pm. Updated at 2011-12-14 10:15 pm.

Status:Open Start date:2011-12-06
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-
Remote issue URL: Affected version:


This has been mentioned on the Ideas page but I wanted to create an issue out of it since it's quite important for our use to have this.

To give an idea on why it's so important let me describe our usage of the project system.

I work at a University which has a School of Computer Science. We've been using Redmine but have grown a little frustrated because of the seeming lack of willingness to adopt patches. We're looking towards ChiliProject since this is one of the thing it promises to fix.

We have a few courses that run regularly, that is, the same course is taught every year. Usually, a lot of knowledge is generated onto the wiki system each year but due to the nature of some of these courses a new group of students will often create a wiki page about the same material as the group from a previous year has. Obviously, this often results in a name clash.

What we want to do is to have the students currently working on a project use the default namespace but once their work is done and the project is finished for that year, move all their wiki pages into a namespace (which would be the year and possibly semester that the work was performed in). That way we would accumulate all the information and students could re-create the same pages every year.

This is one of the big features we lack from our project management system so I would very much appreciate to hear what the developers of ChiliProject think about adding this. Any chance of seeing this in 3.0?


Updated by Felix Schäfer at 2011-12-07 06:48 pm

Stefán Freyr Stefánsson wrote:

Any chance of seeing this in 3.0?

That's a medium to big change to the wiki system and as far as I can remember it won't even be "properly" possible with the libraries currently in use. In short: not in 3.0, sorry.

Regarding your problem: at our CS faculty, I've begun having a project for each year/semester, i.e. CS > Some Course > 2011, that way the projects are separate and students don't get to meddle with what the previous courses have done. Do you need the current course to have access to the materials generated by the previous courses?

Regarding the topic of namespaces in the wikis: I hadn't thought about bulk moving pages yet, and to be honest I haven't used many stand-alone wikis so I don't know what the "common" features one expects from namespaces are, could you sum those up in a few words? Thanks!

Updated by Stefán Freyr Stefánsson at 2011-12-14 10:10 pm

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Regarding your problem: at our CS faculty, I've begun having a project for each year/semester, i.e. CS > Some Course > 2011, that way the projects are separate and students don't get to meddle with what the previous courses have done. Do you need the current course to have access to the materials generated by the previous courses?

Well, with courses that might be what you want yes. But in our case we have a bunch of projects that are ongoing. One example is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Between years we will use the same codebase and build on top of that but a lot of the wiki will get rewritten and for management purposes it would be very desirable to be able to move the "old" pages to their separate namespace.

Regarding the topic of namespaces in the wikis: I hadn't thought about bulk moving pages yet, and to be honest I haven't used many stand-alone wikis so I don't know what the "common" features one expects from namespaces are, could you sum those up in a few words? Thanks!

I think that's the only "major" feature there is... moving an existing page to a namespace and a nice to have is to bulk move a set of pages.

Not really sure what else you'd need.

Updated by Stefán Freyr Stefánsson at 2011-12-14 10:15 pm

Of course there are other valid uses for namespaces... one being purely structural, having API documentation in one namespace while end user documentation is in another.

In the future, one can then also add a permission mechanism on top of this to allow certain users (or public) access to certain namespaces.

...but the first step would be to have the ability to use a namespace for the wiki pages.

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