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Improve usability of time/activity logging in issue detail views (Feature #602)

Added by Crazy Gir at 2011-09-01 07:16 pm.

Status:Open Start date:2011-09-01
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Time entries
Target version:-
Remote issue URL: Affected version:


This is similar to #235, though a bit different. I have only recently started adding time logging to my workflow in chili, and I am finding that the current detail view does not fit very well into the normal flow in working with issues (for me).

I would not suggest changing the existing detail view, but it would be tremendously helpful to have the details of the time log entries displayed as part of the issue detail view. I could see this being helpful in one of two ways:

  1. include a section within the issue header (the top section of the issue detail view), beneath subtasks or something
  2. included as a bullet/note in the issue update that it was entered on.

I almost want to say that the log entry should at least be included as a bullet point in the issue update it was entered on, as this is the default nearly everything else adheres to

Another usability improvement would be allowing multiple log entries per issue update. As an example, if I devote an hour to research and 1.5 hours to work, I would need to make separate issue updates else break the details of research vs work.. making one update, with two time log entries and the associated notes makes a lot more sense to me. thoughts / input?


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