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Contributing to the test suite (Task #534)

Added by Nuno Polonia at 2011-07-22 08:37 pm. Updated at 2011-12-18 06:10 pm.

Status:Closed Start date:2011-07-22
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


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I'm trying to form a group in my college to contribute to open source projects including chiliproject.
We would like to refactor the test suite since it's something that is not very consistent and the subject has been talked about in the past, even at redmine.

We have several questions about this:

  1. Is there any coding and testing standards?
  2. Is there any documentation about the existing test coverage?
  3. What gems are being used? (is cucumber an option? what about factories? Rspec? shoulda? test::unit?)


Updated by Eric Davis at 2011-07-22 08:57 pm

Nuno Polonia wrote:

I'm trying to form a group in my college to contribute to open source projects including chiliproject.
We would like to refactor the test suite since it's something that is not very consistent and the subject has been talked about in the past, even at redmine.

I would be very happy to have the test suite refactored.

  1. Is there any coding and testing standards?

Development has the Code Standards, Testing, and what we look for in a Code Review. Test code should follow all of the same standards as application code.

  1. Is there any documentation about the existing test coverage?

Add the metric_fu gem into the Gemfile and there should be a rake task to run a full code report using rcov and the other Ruby code tools (flay, flog, etc).

  1. What gems are being used? (is cucumber an option? what about factories? Rspec? shoulda? test::unit?)

The Gemfile has the exact gems used.

  • Cucumber - not an option. use the regular Rails integration tests. I will be adding capybara to them soon
  • Factories - we use ObjectDaddy. It adds the ModelName#generate methods.
  • Rspec - nope, Test::Unit
  • shoulda - yes

You should also read through the test/test_helper.rb and any other .rb files sitting directly in the directory. That is where we put common test methods and helpers.

Let me know if you have any questions. I can give you some direction if your class needs it.

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Task

Updated by Holger Just at 2011-12-18 06:10 pm

Closing as of inactivity.

If you still have any questions, please create a new thread in the forum.

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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