ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
58 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalColors and Logo
57 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetup a local clone of the official git repositoryEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
56 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalTransfer data from Heroku to production serverEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
55 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalRedirect domains to www.chiliproject.orgEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
54 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetup DNS records to point to the production serverHolger JustChiliProject - Organization
53 ChiliProjectTaskOpenHighTransfer domain namesHolger JustChiliProject - Organization
52 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetup email accountsEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
51 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalSetup demo serverChiliProject - Organization
50 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetup ServerEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
49 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalShow the Wiki Sidebar on all other pages in the project
48 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalProposal: Release nameChiliProject - Organization
47 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalProposal: Release scheduleEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
46 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalMoving parent issues does not log changes to child issuesIssue tracking
45 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalDonationsMuntek SinghChiliProject - Organization
38 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalInfrastructure teamEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
37 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalChiliProject Security Mailing ListsEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
36 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalChiliProject BlogEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
35 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalChiliProject WikiEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
34 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalChiliProject forumsEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
32 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalCreate an upgrade path from Redmine
31 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalCreate a compatibility process showing how to share code with Redmine
30 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalCode review of latest Redmine commits (November and December) Eric Davis
29 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetup a forked code repository Eric DavisChiliProject - Organization
28 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalCode Fork
26 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalBenevolent dictator succession ChiliProject - Organization

« Previous 1 ... 49 50 51 52 Next » (1251-1275/1282)

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