ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
1267 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalсайт музыканта Website
1266 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalRelease
1265 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalWrite Python script to replace pci_chk.exe
1264 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalcoveralls (coverage web service)Holger JustTesting
1263 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalTeste
1262 ChiliProjectBugClosedHighChiliproject install
1261 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalassign task to a list of users
1260 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalProjeto 0001
1259 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalFilter by last updated fails with "Updated can't be blank", isn'tIssue tracking
1258 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormal2.11.0 not tagged in git repositoryHolger Just
1257 ChiliProjectFeatureReady for reviewNormalImproved paginationHenrik Ammer
1256 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalLink to release notes
1255 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalLink to the blog from the front Website
1254 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalNon ASCII character broken on www.chiliproject.orgHolger Website
1253 ChiliProjectBugOpenLowCSS support for Subscript and SuperScript Textile syntax absentText formatting
1251 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalTemplateError (found unexpected end of stream) during search
1250 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalhfiodapof
1249 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormal测试任务1
1248 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalRouting issue Holger JustUser interface
1247 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormal指派给我的任务测试tommy hong
1246 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormaldfgdfgdfg
1245 ChiliProjectFeatureDeclinedNormalThis is a Chili Feature
1244 ChiliProjectBugNeeds more informationNormalrake db:migrate
1243 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormaltest
1242 ChiliProjectBugOpenHighEncoding bug with Ruby 1.9.3Text formatting

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