ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
531 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalsearch#index raises NoMethodError for #event_datetime
530 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalStart date default should consider timezoneHolger JustIssue tracking
529 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalbuilder is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile
528 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormaluninitialized constant Rake::DSL while using rake db:migrate
527 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalpulling garbage revisions from Website
526 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalBulgarian translationHolger JustTranslations
525 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalDirect Pingdom and related alerts to Website
524 ChiliProjectBugDuplicateLowEncoding of user input
523 ChiliProjectBugClosedHighGzipped history of wiki pages is garbeled during an update of an older version to 2.0Felix SchäferWikis
522 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalScript to correctly configure bundler
521 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalUpdate the Debian and Ubuntu guidesHolger JustDocumentation
520 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalMissing JournalFormatter causes Issue atom feed to blow upJournals / History
519 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalGet 500-error when trying to open Administration | Settings in chiliproject 2.0
518 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalDocument how to create a Journal using acts_as_journalizedEric DavisJournals / History
517 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalRemove included lib/faster_csv.rbLibraries
516 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalIssue with Trac migration: "TracMigrate is not missing constant TracTicketChange!"Felix Schäfer
515 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII) - when adding git-repo to my project in ChiliprojectSCM
514 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalMultiple emails for each forum postEric DavisForums
513 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalAttached files in "comment" no longer link to fileEric DavisJournals / History
512 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalreposman.rb do not work properly in Gentoo Linux.Holger JustSCM
511 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalEncoding of strings coming out of SQLiteEric DavisLibraries
510 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalSorting documents by author only works on documents with attachmentsDocuments module
509 ChiliProjectFeatureReady for reviewNormalCancel / Back ButtonUser interface
508 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalMigration error importing from old version of redmine to Chiliproject v2.0Journals / History
507 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalOption to run git fetch in SysController#fetch_changesetsSCM

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Also available in: Atom CSV PDF