ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.
We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.
New design for ChiliProject
Added by Niels Lindenthal at 2011-10-08 02:20 pm
during the last weeks Romano, Johannes, Christoph and I have worked on a new design for ChiliProject. We didn't start from scratch. Eric had already spent a lot of effort in this area. It was already a major improvement and a great basis for our initiative.
You can see the latest results on Everybody is invited to create an account in this installation and play around. The next couple of weeks we will continuously deploy the new versions. I am quite happy about the first results. However it is still a long way to go.
Focus of our first sprint were the following design components:- ChiliProject logo (first shot)
- Header, including a new project menu with search and autocompletion
- the project modules menue on the left
The code is published in the finnlabs repository on github.
Our goals for the next sprint are:- Integration of your contribution and comments
- Redesign Project home page
- Redesign Wiki
Thanks to Holger Just and Felix Schäfer for their helpful advices and guidance.
So, if anybody is interested in helping out, please send us your contributions and comments.
finnlabs_chili_ux.png (74.2 kB)
Replies (5)
RE: New design for ChiliProject
Added by Eric Davis at 2011-10-10 11:02 pm
How does this compare to the work being done in #263 already?
Eric Davis
RE: New design for ChiliProject
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-10-11 05:43 am
Eric, though Niels hasn't written it out, it's all based on the work you had already done on the S&P Theme and ChiliProject port:
Niels Lindenthal wrote:
Eric had already spent a lot of effort in this area. It was already a major improvement and a great basis for our initiative.
The most work the other 4 have done (as far as I know, I wasn't too involved in the later steps) was on the style (colors, spacing, and so on) and for example the top menu, the project picker/autocompleter, and so on. Ideally the project (left) menu would be more flexible and hold a little more navigation, but as it is now it is statically defined at "boot" time and thus can't be extended easily.
RE: New design for ChiliProject
Added by Niels Lindenthal at 2011-10-11 08:29 pm
- some bugs with IE 7 in the project autocompleter
- spacing of the submenues in the header (projects, modules, etc.)
Tomorrow, we will be working on the ticket detail view:
- fonts
- general page layout
Does anybody have any suggestions for improvement? If you find bugs (I know there are a few) please do not hesitate to create a ticket.
Does anybody want to join this taskforce?
RE: New design for ChiliProject
Added by Eric Davis at 2011-10-11 08:40 pm
Niels Lindenthal wrote:
Does anybody have any suggestions for improvement?
I was using this wiki page to track what still needed to be done and what needed to be discussed: 263_Layout
If you find bugs (I know there are a few) please do not hesitate to create a ticket.
Wouldn't it be better to use the original #263 for this? You're already using a forum thread to get feedback on an existing issue which is confusing. If new issues are opened that will make things more complicated (e.g. issues to track bugs based on a forum thread based on an existing issue...)
RE: New design for ChiliProject
Added by Romano Licker at 2011-10-12 09:15 am
Sorry, for the confusing posts.
We will move this discussion back to #263, where it started :)
See you there,