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Project phases and milestones in addition to versions
Added by Niels Lindenthal at 2011-02-06 04:22 pm
Currently ChiliProject supports the management of software-versions quite well.
Example for versions:- Release 0.81
- Feature A
- Feature B
- Bug A
- Release 0.82
- Feature C
- Feature D
- etc.
What I miss very often is a convenient way to share information about milestones and project phases within a team. Currently the gantt-view is based on versions which doesn't work for complex projects.
Example for project phases:- Requirements specification
- Development
- System A
- System B
- System integration test
- Post-deployment test
- Code delivery
- Acceptance
- Launch
- Project closure
Very often a phase ends with a milestone but not all the time. It can also be the case that a milestone has several milestones (e.g. multiple deployment dates for bug fixes within a testphase).
Currently I have a tracker "Phase" for this purpose. But this has several limitations.
I don't think that we should try to rebuild MS Project within ChiliProject but I am convinced that we should rethink the current version concept.
There were some valuable discussions within the Redmine forum. Knowing that these kind of discussions need some time. I think it would be a good idea to continue these discussions here. I am very interested in your opinion.
- What do you think is the right direction we should go?
- Are there features that are definitly out of scope (e.g. resource levelling)?
- Did anybody already propose a system design/implementation plan?
- Are there already patches plugins that address this topic?
Replies (4)
RE: Project phases and milestones in addition to versions
Added by Stefan Hållén at 2011-02-06 05:13 pm
Wouldn't a more sophisticated UI presentation of sub-issues kindof solve this?
And if you think of agile development, the first three milestones you listed are basically in an endless loop, and the forth does not really exist. And, well, for complex projects, going agile makes all the sense in the world :)
RE: Project phases and milestones in addition to versions
Added by Eric Davis at 2011-02-08 10:09 pm
I don't use phases with my development but I do have deadlines. I've been using Versions as deadlines but they aren't really suited for that.
What I was thinking (based on some ideas Shane Pearlman and Peter Chester had) was to have another object called Milestones. These would have a name, start date, and end date (possibly an assignment for who is responsible). Then both the Gantt and Calendar modules would be modified to show Milestones:
- a time range on the Gantt (in ascii:
) - the start and end dates listed on the Calendar
I don't need much else for my purposes but I think this could be extended as needed (e.g. notifications of upcoming milestones, ical feeds, filtering issues by milestone dates).
P.S. I think this could be done in a plugin with some modifications to the core.
Eric Davis
RE: Project phases and milestones in addition to versions
Added by Bruno Samora at 2011-02-28 07:01 pm
Other possible approach would be support some sort of hierarchy for versions: so one version could have one or more subversions and each subversion could be a milestone, a sprint or anything else that would help you to manage your project.
Having only two nesting levels for versions doesn't seem to be too complex and could be very handy.
RE: Project phases and milestones in addition to versions
Added by Jan Wedekind at 2011-06-20 04:12 pm
Eric Davis wrote:
I don't use phases with my development but I do have deadlines. I've been using Versions as deadlines but they aren't really suited for that.
I've been working around the same problem for a while now too. In fact, I've renamed "Versions" to "Milestones" in our installation, because we do a lot more stuff than SW development and use Chiliproject to track that work. And people not coming from software development get confused by "versions".
But as you say, it's not very suited for that. I also don't like to tap into subtasks for that because issues mostly appear in a "flat" list in the tables and it gets quite messy very quickly.
What I was thinking (based on some ideas Shane Pearlman and Peter Chester had) was to have another object called Milestones. These would have a name, start date, and end date (possibly an assignment for who is responsible). Then both the Gantt and Calendar modules would be modified to show Milestones:
- a time range on the Gantt (in ascii:
)- the start and end dates listed on the Calendar
Milestones, as far as I understand them, should just have one date, shouldn't they? Much like the versions now. But I gotta say that I don't particularly fancy the idea of having a separate "Milestone" and "Version" field. I think it will just add confusion and complexity. But it might just be my requirement for non-software development...
I don't need much else for my purposes but I think this could be extended as needed (e.g. notifications of upcoming milestones, ical feeds, filtering issues by milestone dates).
P.S. I think this could be done in a plugin with some modifications to the core.
I was wondering about that. Right now there is no easy way (I know of) that I can pull a list of versions (cross project) via the API. I can pull all issues and then filter by version etc. But I cannot get the due date of a version as far as I know.
Do you know a workaround for that? If I could pull/filter by milestone dates somewhere, it would be super-useful.
Suggestion: why not add the version date to the API output as in
fixed_version: { name: "My version" id: 260 version_effective_date: 2011/06/20 }
Or is there any way that I can pull the version_id related info via the API?