I was trying to throw together a version of the EzFAQ plugin thats been moved onto acts_as_journalized (its only the faq model that is relevant). Just trying to get faq's on the activity feed initially, and maybe present some history later.
I keep getting this error :
NoMethodError in EzfaqController#edit
undefined method `user' for #<FaqJournal:0x1122afe28>
RAILS_ROOT: /Volumes/HDD/Users/simon/Dropbox/Code/exonypsi/chili3
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
/Volumes/HDD/Users/simon/Dropbox/Code/exonypsi/chili3/vendor/plugins/acts_as_journalized/lib/redmine/acts/journalized/save_hooks.rb:66:in `reset_instance_variables'
/Users/simon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/activesupport-2.3.14/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:178:in `send'
/Users/simon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/activesupport-2.3.14/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:178:in `evaluate_method'
/Users/simon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/activesupport-2.3.14/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:166:in `call'
I think the answer is probably in this bit of the chiliproject docs:
Since my skill level with Rails is somewhere between 'absolutely none' and 'hobbyist' I was hoping someone (maybe Eric or Tim) could point me in the right direction. The code for this half-version is here:
This is the faq model:
I appreciate any help. Thanks