ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.
We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.
Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Fabien D. at 2011-11-21 10:59 pm
After a long time of Redmine use, I've choose to continue with ChiliProject and I would like to thank all the ChiliProject developpers for their work.
I notice an issue with the repository browser (with Git repositories). When I check a commit (file list view), I can't see new files added by the commit, but if I do a diff with the previous commit, the new files are listed.
I use the last stable version (2.4.0) of ChiliProject, under linux (Debian 6), with ruby (1.8.7) managed with RVM.
Any idea ?
Replies (9)
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Fabien D. at 2011-11-24 03:28 pm
Really no idea ?
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-11-24 03:32 pm
Salut Fabien,
Sorry, we're a little short on time at the moment :-)
I don't really have a clue just like that. Could you check the repositories you have locally ChiliProject reads from and see if the new commits are in there? How does ChiliProject update the info it has about the repository? Through a cron, the automatic "when I visit the repository page" way, through a post-receive hook, …?
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Fabien D. at 2011-11-25 09:32 am
Chiliproject update is done when "I visit the repository page", I should choose an other way.
I didn't think about a problem of rights, the new commits are seen by Chiliproject, but new files of the commit are not display in the list of the commit detail's page, I see only the "modified" files.
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Holger Just at 2011-11-25 10:27 am
ChiliProject uses two different rights for that.
allows you to see changesets (like commits with git and revisions with svn with the diffs attached)browse_repository
allows you to, well, browse the repository, and see all files.
Typically, you will want to allow either both permissions or non of them. To assign users only one of those is a rather special case that is not applicable to most users.
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Fabien D. at 2011-11-26 11:19 am
Users have the both rights (view_changesets & browse_repository). They can browse repositories and see changesets.
Maybe I do not explain very clearly, due to my English (sorry). I'll try to rephrase my problem.
My problem is only that new files (the green icon) are not displayed in the list of the detail of a commit (revision page), they see only modified files (the yellow icon).
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-11-28 06:36 pm
You can write in french if you prefer, I'll translate for the others.
That's still a problem that seems very strange to me. What version of the git binary do you have on your system? Is the repo public, i.e. can I clone it to have a look at it?
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Fabien D. at 2011-11-28 08:18 pm
Oui, c'est étrange ce problème, j'ai d'ailleurs le même souci sur 2 serveurs. La distribution est une Debian Squeeze, la version de Git est la "".
Je peux te donner un accès à un dépôt de test et à Chiliproject installé sur le serveur. Pour l'accès au dépôt, j'ai juste besoin de ta clé publique.
Merci de ton aide,
RE: Git repository browsing, can't see new files
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-11-30 06:49 am
Fabien D. wrote:
Oui, c'est étrange ce problème, j'ai d'ailleurs le même souci sur 2 serveurs. La distribution est une Debian Squeeze, la version de Git est la "".
Je peux te donner un accès à un dépôt de test et à Chiliproject installé sur le serveur. Pour l'accès au dépôt, j'ai juste besoin de ta clé publique.
In english: The problem exists on 2 servers, the OS is Debian squeeze and git is version He proposes to give me access to the server and the repo.
Je craint que sans accès admin il n'y aura pas grand chose que je puisse dire. Par contre, je viens d'essayer sur une installation locale et j'ai le même problème … Est-ce que tu pourrais ouvrir un nouveau bug pour ça, je craint que ce ne soit pas un problème avec la configuration de ton installation :-/ Merci !
I fear without admin access I won't be able to tell much. I tried on a local instance and had the same problem though, so this probably is a problem with ChiliProject and not just with your installation, care to open a new bug for that? Thanks!