Dear ChiliProject team:
First and foremost: congratulations on the launch! Some of you know about my mixed feelings regarding the fork, mainly because I see the risk of alienating existing and new users. There's definitely a long road ahead and a lot of work to do but I trust you guys are the perfect team for this.
However, this is not what this post is about. I am reaching out to you to ask if you were interested in discussing an "official" ChiliProject hosting service either as part of the community project or in some other way closely or loosely coupled.
I realize that it might be too early in the game or that you are not interested at all, but I wanted to reach out anyways. I would be happy to discuss potential scenarios where the community shares control over the business and proceeds from this. Both as a way to help people get started with ChiliProject faster and also to help cover for things like hosting, administrative/legal expenses, and the hard work everyone is putting into the project.
Since we at Planio Redmine Hosting have all the infrastructure and experience, this could finally be something we can contribute beyond the code & plugins we release here and there.
Looking forward to your feedback, kind regards,