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Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Francis Vo at 2013-05-09 02:42 am
Hello everyone,
I'm new here, and I've been trying to contact Holger, Muntek, and Felix. I guess they are very busy.
I wanted to start cleaning up the wiki pages. There are pages that haven't been updated for a year, some are just empty, some need to be moved around and other stuff. I can give you examples for each if you want. I think adding a category/tag system to the wiki pages would help make it more organized. I have been looking at issues (#452) (#476) and (#721). It sounded like people wanted a tag system over a category system. Personally I think a tagging system would be great. I don't think a category system is needed, because wiki pages use a parent system and therefore it is somewhat similar.
I really want to start helping somehow. I want to organize the wiki title page, but I don't have access to change the parent ID. I also want to start working on a tagging system. I attached a file showing the structure I want to change the index page ( to. Please tell me what you think.
Thank you for your time,
Chililistchange.TODO - Restructure for index page. (4.2 kB)
Replies (7)
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-09 01:23 pm
Francis Vo wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm new here, and I've been trying to contact Holger, Muntek, and Felix. I guess they are very busy.
We are, sorry for that :-(
I wanted to start cleaning up the wiki pages. There are pages that haven't been updated for a year, some are just empty, some need to be moved around and other stuff. I can give you examples for each if you want. I think adding a category/tag system to the wiki pages would help make it more organized. I have been looking at issues (#452) (#476) and (#721). It sounded like people wanted a tag system over a category system. Personally I think a tagging system would be great. I don't think a category system is needed, because wiki pages use a parent system and therefore it is somewhat similar.
I really want to start helping somehow. I want to organize the wiki title page, but I don't have access to change the parent ID. I also want to start working on a tagging system. I attached a file showing the structure I want to change the index page ( to. Please tell me what you think.
Do you have any examples of the changes you'd make? Or even better: You said there are other pages that could be improved, if there's one that could be improved, feel free to edit it, I'll review it and if we think it works well with for us I'll add you as editor for the wiki :-)
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Francis Vo at 2013-05-09 03:38 pm
There are pages that are very well written. There are pages that should be updated, but I don't know enough to update them. For example, are you still using the Continuous_Integration page ( I'll try to update DocumentationWishlist with things that need to be done.
There are many pages that have TODOs like Git_Standards. I will start working on them, but how should I mark them as drafts? Maybe with "p(warning). This is still a draft."?
There are pages that I think should be deleted:
Edavis10 - I know it's his personal page, but it hasn't been touched for 2 years
Help_v2_0_0 - empty
Khalsa - This is a note to self
Public_Launch_List - finished todo list
Thank you. =)
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-09 06:05 pm
Francis Vo wrote:
For example, are you still using the Continuous_Integration page (
We primarily use TravisCI, it doesn't hurt to keep that one as long as it works and finnlabs keeps it running.
I'll try to update DocumentationWishlist with things that need to be done.
Ah, I'll watch that page then!
There are many pages that have TODOs like Git_Standards. I will start working on them, but how should I mark them as drafts? Maybe with "p(warning). This is still a draft."?
Feel free to just edit it. I'll look over it if you tell me once you're done. I don't think that putting a draft warning is really necessary, most docs are user-contributed, with all the quirks that this might entail.
There are pages that I think should be deleted:
Edavis10 - I know it's his personal page, but it hasn't been touched for 2 years
Help_v2_0_0 - empty
Khalsa - This is a note to self
Public_Launch_List - finished todo list
As long as they don't interfere with ongoing work (we'd like a page with that name but it's already taken, stuff like that), I don't see the need to delete pages. On the contrary, I think the launch list is a fun reminder of the beginnings of ChiliProject :-) You're probably right about Help_v2_0_0 though, I'll delete it.
Thank you. =)
Thank you for coping with us, you might have noticed that it can be rough/slow around here sometimes.
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Francis Vo at 2013-05-10 06:19 am
Thank you so much for your help and support! =)
I should be the one thanking you for coping with me.
I look forward to working with you and the team.
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-06-22 01:47 am
Hi Francis,
are you still interested in overhauling / updating the docs/site?
I currently have some time reserved to update the project page by:- building a fancy landing page (as static html) comparable to or
- building a "Getting started" or "Features" page (as static html)
- building a rewritten (shortened) "Installation" page (as static html)
- find a more convenient and better structured solution to add & search plugins (and add missing meta infos like short description, screenshot and download links)
All static html pages will be placed in Github and are created by click & play using jQuery & bootstrap.js (which are partly already shipped with CP).
These first actions have the aim to make CP more attractive for new users and to improve the documentation situation for existing users (especially: providing better and up-to-date info about plugins).
Further I would like to regularly check the listed plugins for compatibility or to provide each tested plugin as ready-to-download zip file which can be installed very simple and fast).
Here I would offer help & maintenance by me and my colleagues / company - at least this service is guaranteed for the many plugins we already use in production.
As fast as I got my first landing page working, I'll post a link here...
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Francis Vo at 2013-06-25 07:28 am
Hello Chris,
I'm sorry, it took a while for me to reply.
I am still interested in helping in anyway possible, just let me know how.
I still think that add tags would also help create a better structured docs pages, so I might also work on that.
RE: Wiki Pages - Organization, tags, and category
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-06-25 11:11 am
Hi Francis,
that sounds great - I already have a first prototype for a Landing Page (still work in progress).
See issue #1275 and the prototype
Currently I urgently need some feedback ;-)