ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.
We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.
The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Francois Lamotte at 2012-11-05 09:38 am
I've discovered on the blog of Finnlabs, the launch of OpenProject
Besides theirs specific plugins (meetings, ...) what is the main difference with Chiliproject?
Is it the explanation with the slowdown for the new releases for Chiliproject?
Thank you for the explanations,
Replies (7)
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2012-11-15 11:43 am
i'm not sure, but it seems to be a fork of chiliproject. If it's that, means chiliproject dead for do this new project. (in the faq of the openproject, i saw an errror occurs for openproject but the code was chiliproject !)
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2012-11-22 10:15 am
OpenProject is a de facto fork of ChiliProject. Holger and I used to work at finnlabs (who also participated in forking ChiliProject in the first place), the split between vanilla ChiliProject and the "finnlabs ChiliProject" that later became OpenProject occurred because of divergent views over code quality considerations, merging of code and community handling (esp. regarding the involvement of companies in the community). Those and other internal differences lead Holger and me to leave finnlabs.
Now, the differences between ChiliProject and OpenProject as it is now (I can't say how OpenProject will evolve) is that the codebase is controlled by finnlabs and (at least at the time when we left) was in major parts driven by client needs. Furthermore, I fear the proposed structures of OpenProject will do little if anything to change that client/money-driven development model. I'm not sure how much of was planned for OpenProject has come to fruition, has been released, etc. though, so I won't say much about that.
Now, and keeping in mind that I'm deeply biased, I regret that fork as much as I was torn before forking ChiliProject, I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong about the whole situation though.
(Disclaimer: just to make sure: those are my views and mine alone, they do not represent those of others or of the ChiliProject developers/community)
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Francois Lamotte at 2012-11-22 02:11 pm
Thank you Felix for you answer.
There's interesting plugins (meeting) in the OpenProject. The main difficulty is to understand how and where a fork is going on a mid-term scale. At a point you see that for any reason the new features/evolutions are slowing down or not updating in new ways, and it becomes disturbing for people who wants to try / adopt the project. Others will return back to redmine.
At the launch Chiliproject was interesting with the new interface and simpler structure to handle projects. I'm not a developer so I can't say anything about the architecture and the quality of the code. On the front-side, there is some improvement to add to open the task to non-techies folks (sometimes there's too much information for many different profiles (customers, designers, ...)).
To come back to this thread (OpenProject <-> Chiliproject), your point of view is interesting, as I was wondering if the slowdown of Chiliproject was related to the launch of this new fork.
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2012-11-22 02:49 pm
Francois Lamotte wrote:
To come back to this thread (OpenProject <-> Chiliproject), your point of view is interesting, as I was wondering if the slowdown of Chiliproject was related to the launch of this new fork.
I was meaning to write a blog post about the current dev speed a few months back and never really go to it, and I'm really really sorry about that. I'll try to write one before the end-of-year festivities about Holger's and my situation, one thing that held us back a little was also the change of shop, we didn't want to make things more complicated than they already are.
If it's of interest, we're now with Planio, you can read the blogpost introducing me, Holger's is in the making :-)
Regarding our engagement in ChiliProject: we both feel very bad about what's and how it has happened (and not happened) in the last few months, but we should be back more shortly.
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2012-11-22 05:02 pm
thx for your answers.
so wait and see ;)
P.S : j'ai mis un petit commentaire sur le lien que tu as donné.
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2012-11-22 05:16 pm
Merci beaucoup :-)
RE: The difference between Chiliproject and
Added by Chris Dähn at 2012-12-12 01:59 pm
Ok, with these infos it's comprehensable where and why the delays in development came from...
Regarding OpenProject: At least their web page / landing page is really nice and I would like to see (or help you building) a comparable nice start page for CP.