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Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Sergey Belov at 2011-03-01 12:59 pm
We are using redmine a lot and one feature we need, trying to describe is clearly. Sometimes we have small changes required with same topic, totally may take just 1-1.5 hours of work. Like
1) Change "Text" to "Text2"
2) Move button "Button1" close to "Button2"
and etc..
It would be great to have something like tasks list inside Issue. Where developer make required changes, and checked this task as completed. Tester can check it if it's not fixed (has bugs) he uncheck it and post comment.
It's really good functionality because many times new small tasks are coming to this same Issue.
So, what do you think? Is it something can live in ChiliProject?
Replies (8)
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Eric Davis at 2011-03-02 12:34 am
Could you make subtasks from the main issue? The only required field is the Subject.
(I know there are some issues with how parent/sub tasks roll up data but I'm hoping to have those fixed soon.)
Eric Davis
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Sergey Belov at 2011-03-02 07:37 am
Yes, it could help but only if this subtasks are not visible in the main Issues list. And when I create the subtask it should automatically has same priority, status, assignee, category and so on.
Right now it takes too much time to enter this details every time.
Is there a good way to display subtasks in the Issues list? Right now I see them as any other issues and can't recognise which is main task and which is subtask
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Holger Just at 2011-03-02 08:47 am
We could possibly create a new "type" of issues, namely simple tasks. Under the hood these could be normal issues with sane defaults and a very simplified display. This would be a rather huge task for UX to get right, but I'd think it's worth it.
That way, ChiliProject could move a bit towards those simple task trackers and could make adoption as personal task trackers easier for people. Esp, whene we have some Apps on the client boxes integrating it into about everything :)
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Sergey Belov at 2011-03-02 08:50 am
Yea, new type of issue is good way to make simple tasks list.
I can make markup with tasks list.
I don't think it will take a lot time to develop because it might use same functionality which normal issues have
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Eric Davis at 2011-03-02 11:56 pm
I worked on a plugin for Redmine that was just a bunch of simple tasks. The UI was similar to basecamp's tasks: just a done checkbox, subject, and some drag and drop. I can't seem to find that plugin anymore though.
The only problem is that they aren't related to issues in any way, just grouped onto a project.
Eric Davis
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by snow windwaves2 at 2011-03-04 05:17 am
I used to use clockingit ( and it had to-do lists which you could create within an issue. The to-do items just have a name and a complete or not status, and the % of the to-dos complete would show up after the issue name whereever the issue is listed.
I found the to-dos really convenient and miss them in redmine.
I have attached a screen shot of what a clockingit to-do list looks like
Screenshot-1.jpg - screen shot of to-do lists (98.9 kB)
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Sergey Belov at 2011-03-04 11:23 am
This is good tool, however we already use Redmine and looking for new functions integration. And I can't install clockingit on my server..
RE: Create tasks list in the issue
Added by Scott Whitlow at 2012-11-21 04:27 am
I know this topic is about a year old. However, this is something I would love to see as well. Is there any hope of getting something like this in the near future? Thanks!