ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.
We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.
Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2013-04-27 06:55 am
I'm very afraid. No new, except sometimes bugfixes.
i have no idea of the futur of chiliproject (seem very bad).
some message in the forum diseappear (may be this one too)
and i begin to look at alternative solution
In summary, futur of my applications are not here so i must begin to left chiliproject
Replies (23)
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-02 09:46 pm
Arius Vistoon wrote:
some message in the forum diseappear (may be this one too)
Nope, we have deleted spam. If you have seen any instance of non-spam messages being deleted, feel free to tell me.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2013-05-04 02:51 am
I received email from this forum with some new input about this thread [[]] and when i arrived (after some hours) in the forum the answer diseappear. I read them in my email and it's not spam.
Now, you take only the less important part of my message (and after 7 days) so, i guess i'm right when i said chiliproject was dead.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-05-06 03:51 pm
I tried to reach Felix+Holger - but nobody answered my mail on the mailinglist, nor questions here in the forum :-(
So maybe our concerns are right - being honest: such a big project with just two devs is too hard to take... just my opinion with twenty years experience in open source and commercial software development...
I can understand that Felix and Holger can't be blamed for that - CP is not the center of the universe... and after the fork from Redmine the future looked much brighter than today...
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-05-06 04:06 pm
PS: Thanks for all the hard work to Holger, Felix and Eric! Even if it's maybe too late now... :-(
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-09 01:38 pm
Arius Vistoon wrote:
I received email from this forum with some new input about this thread [[]] and when i arrived (after some hours) in the forum the answer diseappear. I read them in my email and it's not spam.
I only deleted spam. There was one guy posting links to russian site called cheat engine (won't link to it) in his signature in a lot of different threads, under a lot of different names once we blocked those accounts and with answers that were not interesting at best. So yeah, they probably were legit </sarcasm>
Now, you take only the less important part of my message (and after 7 days) so, i guess i'm right when i said chiliproject was dead.
No, I answered the one that worried me (was there a security breach?) and for which I didn't need to repeat myself for.
Also, fuck us for not jumping when you say jump, I'm sure the full 0€ you've spent on this software and work you seem to be using or have been using have been well spent.
I'm sorry this sounds so harsh, but we are indeed in some Open Source burnout of sorts, threads like these don't help.
Now, to come back to ChiliProject: if you have found or are experiencing a bug in the current code, feel free to tell us and we'll see if it can be corrected in ChiliProject 3. If you're looking for a specific feature to be developed: I'm sorry, but the current budget of 0€ and 0 minutes doesn't cover it. If you're here to complain, well have a good day, I won't spend more time arguing.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-09 01:43 pm
Chris Dähn wrote:
Redmine the future looked much brighter than today...
Redmine has progressed indeed, and I'm really happy for them. The gripes we had with Redmine weren't that much progress-related though and those gripes still exist today, so we (Holger and I) probably won't be getting involved with Redmine other than as users in the foreseeable future.
If you're looking for features and don't mind what problems we still see in Redmine as a project, go with it.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2013-05-09 02:11 pm
what's happen ? seems you have a very bad day to answer me like that.
if you are no time to spent in this project, just said that. i can understand that of course !
i left redmine because of the mind of project management; i naturally follow Chiliproject.
Now chiliproject is dead and i can't help because the team has no need and no communication, so (after many months) i decide to left chiliproject.
Now when i left it, the nice team seems no also nice what i thinked. i really hope it's a very bad day for you and everything for you will be better tomorrow and after
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-05-09 05:48 pm
Arius Vistoon wrote:
what's happen ? seems you have a very bad day to answer me like that.
Your second comment to this thread seemed like complaining to me (only answered part of the questions and after 7 days), if it wasn't I apologize for the tone.
if you are no time to spent in this project, just said that. i can understand that of course !
The lack of time is one part of the reason we're not present here as much as we'd like. The other reason is the size of the task and the feeling of letting people down. Nick Quaranto wrote a blog post Open Source Guilt & Passion and the part "There’s a flip side to passion: the guilt." pretty much reflects where we seem to have driven ourselves and to a certain extent ChiliProject. What's worse is that it is a self-feeding illness: we feel bad because we can't help people and we don't develop ChiliProject as much as we'd like, and we don't develop ChiliProject that much because we feel bad about it.
I'm really really sorry it has come to that, would that we could turn the ship around, but we haven't found the right spark for that yet.
Now chiliproject is dead and i can't help because the team has no need and no communication, so (after many months) i decide to left chiliproject.
Yes and no. We need to get ChiliProject to Rails 3, unfortunately I'm not sure even Holger or I have a good enough grasp of the whole codebase to get it there, which makes it difficult to properly request or even receive external help.
Now when i left it, the nice team seems no also nice what i thinked. i really hope it's a very bad day for you and everything for you will be better tomorrow and after
Well, that helps a little, thanks :-)
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Arius Vistoon at 2013-05-09 08:05 pm
Felix Schäfer wrote:
if it wasn't I apologize for the tone.
apologize accepted ;)
Well, that helps a little, thanks :-)
nice, you are welcome
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-05-09 11:56 pm
this thread shows the current problems very clearly - and explains why my last communication attempts failed.
So: Like (hopefully many) other users I'm still (and maybe now more) motivated trying to help you out of this motivation hole...
Sadly I'm not a rich guy, nor am I working for a hughe company which can pay you for that - but: Maybe there is a chance to organize a small hackaton or user+dev meeting (at a nice location) maybe combined with some other ruby guys... ((german) ok, sind nur schnelle Ideen - ich würde euch am liebsten mal an ne schöne Location für ein WE verfrachten und für ein paar Stunden das Projekt und mögliche Unterstützung besprechen und den Rest für eure Erholung nutzen - ob und wie das finanziell geht, müsste man mal prüfen - evtl. finde ich Sponsoren oder irgendwelche Mittelchen aus Fördertöpfen o.ä. - Felix: Ich würde gern helfen, euch aus diesem Tief zu ziehen - persönlich (d.h. offline) würde das sicher einfacher gehen - daher wärs vielleicht mal interessant für euch, User mal live kennenzulernen und ggf. auch, wie und wo CP so genutzt wird... klar müsste man dafür was organisieren und es sollte auch kostenneutral für euch sein... wolltet ihr nicht mal Urlaub an der Ostsee machen? ;))
(back to english)
My goal is to bring the devs and some users together, to bring back the motivation, to defeat the guilt and worries and to give something back to Holger+Felix - because: as Felix said: nobody of us users paid anything - so even if we can't pay their work, maybe we can organize a weekend or some days where they can meet users and maybe help some of us to contribute to CP (and: to give both the chance to have a nice time to refresh their batteries)... just some thoughts...
Today many things are possible by micropayments, Kickstarter, german "Fördermittel" (subventions), Sponsors etc.
For the long term this project is too big to just run it by placing some issue tickets and having only a handful devs who must keep the system running...
Just a few very first thoughts...
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Marco G at 2013-05-27 04:47 pm
Felix Schäfer wrote:
Chris Dähn wrote:
Redmine the future looked much brighter than today...
Redmine has progressed indeed, and I'm really happy for them. The gripes we had with Redmine weren't that much progress-related though and those gripes still exist today, so we (Holger and I) probably won't be getting involved with Redmine other than as users in the foreseeable future.
If you're looking for features and don't mind what problems we still see in Redmine as a project, go with it.
Sorry for highjacking this thread, but what problems do you still see in Remine as a proect itself?
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2013-06-05 09:04 pm
Short update for those not on Twitter: shit's getting done again
We're working on making the current work more "official" and enabling others to get involved, no date yet though.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2013-06-06 12:42 am
Jay! :-)
It's not important how big the steps are, as long as things keep going on ;-)
As offered before: If you're interested in some support (except Ruby coding), I'll try to organize and motivate :-)
After next week-end I hope to have more time for landing page etc (muss noch ein paar Prüfungen schreiben - Fernstudium halt).
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Markus Guske at 2013-06-19 07:12 am
Hello Felix, Holger,
I really like chili project, helped us a lot as "submarine" in my last project. And yes it is true, chiliproject lost a little bit of momentum, when Eric gave up his Leadership role.
I like to congratulate you guys for finding a new home at
Suggestion: try to suggest your colleagues at to move the code base from redmine to chiliproject - you have the best arguments why to do so. Especially Eric provided a lot of code reasons too. This cannot be ignored.
And if this switch is done, I guess you can provide more code/experience etc. from your work at back to chiliproject.
This would be a win-win situation.
Would be interesting to hear from you what do you think?
~ Markus
P.S.: +1 for the suggestion of Chris to organize a chiliproject real-life meeting.
I would like to discuss my experiences with others. Chiliproject helped us a lot to organize (task documentation, test management, etc.) in my last project. This was more used by end-users rather then developers and it worked!
Anyway: I guess can get a lot of input for their own business out of this conference - win win too.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Guillaume Bourque at 2013-06-21 03:42 am
Hi all great news,
If it could be intesring for the projet, My company could prodive free hosting ( with some limits ) to the project, We have acees to good bandwith in Montréal / Canada.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by smart inbox at 2013-07-02 01:12 pm
Good to know about this Chiliproject status. I'll be back for any updates.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Wiki Bit at 2013-12-23 09:30 am
just wondering if there are any updates on progress regarding chiliproject since the last update 7 months ago?
I'm also wondering on progress of the planned changes / rewrite of the REST API?
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2014-01-07 12:40 pm
I also didn't heard / recognize any development by Felix and Holger - sadly :-(
Looking back to 2013 there were some security bugfix releases in the first 3 months - and nothing more.
For me as former enthusiast there's no real movement in this project - so: Yes, it seems dead.
Felix sometimes answers on discussions etc., but there are no new releases scheduled and no contributors can integrate their patches (because nobody reviews and accepts them).
So: IMHO nowadays the situation for ChiliProject looks even worse than the situation of Redmine, which initially lead to the fork.
Currently Redmine is moving pretty fast forward and has a big community and keeps going on... so: If you want/need a maintained system, you can't use ChiliProject any more, sadly.
Thus I'm planning to create a RedmineMigration script/solution to move my CP installations back to a current Redmine.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2014-01-07 12:43 pm
PS: I found an existing migration solution/doc:
I just have to test it with newer Redmine versions.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2014-02-10 09:30 am
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Chris Dähn at 2014-02-17 11:02 am
As promised here a simple guide from our migration - which extends the chili-to-redmine guide:
I've not tested the Ruby scrip, but it should to exactly the same job of the Java tool of the chili-to-redmine guide.
The problems you have to face with, are the same for any migration tool - unless it contains the SQL fixes of our Readme (which it doesn't).
I hope the Readme / updated guide helps - if you have questions: Don't hesitate to contact me.
RE: Chiliproject dead ?
Added by Wiki Bit at 2014-03-13 10:43 am
thanks for the info
at the moment, we've no room (timewise) to do a migration, it probably will be for early summer, or holiday period (when it is less busy and so the usage of CP is less also)
our situation at that moment will be :
- CP ChiliProject (Mysql2)
- current server : Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 2.x, Apache2 with passenger
- CP : no extra plugins
- CP : custimzed template (colors only, nothing else)
- CP : we use projects, trackers, issues, workflow (to control status changes), custom fields for issues, attachments
(we tried SVN integration but turned it off in the end, there were too many issues)
- we use the (limited) REST API a lot of autmated maintenance and creation of tickets
the migration will probably be done to a new machine, which may be on : Ruby 2.x, Rails 3.x
if you think there are things to watch out for, let me know
maybe open a separate discussion for "Migrate back to Redmine" ?